idris in yeri gelibolu / Образование - Lefkosa, Кипр

Idris In Yeri Gelibolu

idris in yeri gelibolu

Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi_7.sayi

XV ve XVI. asırlar, bizce, hem Batı hem de Doğu Türklüğünün istikbâli açısından son derece önemli bir dönüm noktası olarak dikkati çekiyor. Doğu Türklüğünün umûmî durumuna baktığımızda, XV. asrın başlarında şöyle bir tablo ile karşılaşırız: 1370 yılında Çağatay Ulusu hâkimiyetine son veren Emir Timur, 30 küsur yıl içerisinde (1370-1404), doğuda Çin sınırlarına, batıda Karadeniz’in kuzeyine ve geçici de olsa Akdeniz’e, kuzeyde Kazak bozkırlarına, güneyde ise İndus’a kadar uzanan geniş bir imparatorluk kurmağa muvaffak olmuştu. 1402’de Ankara yakınlarındaki Çubuk ovasında Osmanlı pâdişâhı Yıldırım Bâyezid’in (1389-1402) ordusunu mağlup etmek sûretiyle, İstanbul’un Anadolu Türklüğü tarafından fethedilmesini yarım yüz yıl geciktiren; Karadeniz’in kuzeyindeki Altınordu Hanlığı’nı dağıtarak sonunda Rusların daha rahat bir nefes almasına ve gitgide güçlenerek Türk dünyâsını tehdit eder hâle gelmesine zemin hazırlayan, dolayısıyla belki de bilmeden netîceleri sonraki asırlarda ortaya çıkaca...

From the Seljuks to the Ottomans (in Russian) - От сельджуков к османам. Этнополитические процессы в тюркской среде Малой Азии в XI-XV веках

SUMMARY Mustafayev Sh.M. From the Seljuks to the Ottomans. Ethno-political processes in the Turkic milieu of Asia Minor in the 11-15 centuries. The monograph analyzes the complex ethno-political processes in Asia Minor on a broad chronological background since the time of the conquest of the region by the Oghuz-Turkmen tribes in the 11 century up to the final establishment of the Ottoman political hegemony at the end of the 15 century. It attempts to trace the stages of the ethnic history of the Turkish people in the Middle Ages, and to establish the connection between its ethnic integration and political changes in Anatolia. The book examines the formation of the Turkic ethnic milieu in Anatolia in the Seljuk period, its subsequent evolution following the collapse of the Seljuk Sultanate in Asia Minor under impingements of the Mongols, the fragmentation of political power in Anatolia and the establishment of a number of principalities, as well as the fierce struggle for leadership in the region between the new entities, and the gradual rise of the Ottoman State. It also assesses the impact of historical events on the dynamics of the Turkic ethnic consciousness and identity. The book introduces a number of milestones in the evolution of Turkic ethnic milieu of Asia Minor. Seljuk conquest of the Middle East in the 11 century paved the way for the gradual formation of a Turkic ethnic milieu in a large geographical area from the Caspian coast in the east to the Aegean Sea coast in the west. In the second half of the 12 – early 13 centuries there was relative political integrity of this area, when a large part of Anatolia was united under the Seljuk Sultanate in Asia Minor. This fragile stability was breached in result of Mongol conquest in the mid-13 century. However, the political domination of the Mongols in Asia Minor lasted until the early 14 century. Last Seljuk sultans, vassals of Ilkhanid court in Azerbaijan, lost their power over Anatolia, as well as the legitimacy in the eyes of their subjects, particularly bellicose Turkmen tribes who settled in “uj” zone or the border with Byzantium. The Ilkhanid control over Asia Minor also gradually weakened, which opened the way for the appearance of new power centers on the scene. Thus the era of political fragmentation in Turkey’s medieval history began. By the beginning of the 14 century the whole territory of Anatolia disintegrated into smaller state formations – principalities. New Turkic emirates were competing with each other for the military and political leadership and mission of the “gatherer” of the Anatolian lands or fragments of the Seljuk Sultanate. At the same time, in the public mind of Turkic Anatolia it was a replacement of cultural ideals of Seljuk era, inspired by the influence of Persian literature and art, by other values caused by new political realities. This was manifested in the growth of interest of political elites in the Anatolian emirates to the national language, the birth and rapid development of Turkish literature in Asia Minor, the start of translation activity in the courts of the rulers, the growth of the number of manuscripts in Turkish, etc. Two main political centers or poles, which can be roughly described as “Western” and “Eastern”, gradually stood out in the course of the confrontation within the Turkic milieu in Asia Minor. The Western pole has always been associated with the Ottoman Empire, while the Eastern pole, which was opposing the Ottomans, was represented by traditional Turkic principalities in Asia Minor (Karaman principality, State of Kadi Burhan ad-Din Ahmed, Aqqoyunlu State) successively replacing each other. The question of which of them would be able to take on the mission of “heir” of the Seljuk Sultanate and accomplish the task of unification of Asia Minor under its own rule had crucial significance for the whole history of the Turkic Anatolia. In other words, there was a question about the guiding direction line of new centralization of Asia Minor – from west to east or vice versa? Thus, the struggle between the two poles determined all further historical evolution of the Turkic milieu of Asia Minor. The final victory of the Western or the Ottoman pole promoted further political consolidation and integration of the Turkic ethnic and cultural milieu of Asia Minor around the Ottoman Empire. В книге на широком хронологическом фоне анализируются сложные этнополитические процессы в Малой Азии со времени завоевания региона в XI столетии огузо-туркменскими племенами и до окончательного установления османской политической гегемонии в конце XV в. На основе обширного круга источников делается попытка проследить различные этапы этнической истории турецкого народа, установить органическую связь процессов этнической интеграции с политическими изменениями в Анатолии. Выявляются особенности формирования в Анатолии тюркской этнической среды в сельджукский период, ее последующей эволюции после распада централизованного Сельджукского государства Малой Азии под ударами монголов, дробления политической власти в Анатолии и образования ряда эмиратов (бейликов); исследуются отношения и ожесточенная борьба за лидерство в регионе между этими государственными образованиями и постепенное возвышение Османского государства, оценивается влияние исторических событий на динамику развития тюркского этнического сознания и идентичности.


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