sonic adventure dated / It's Time for Sonic Adventure 3

sonic adventure dated

sonic adventure dated

Archived from the original. August 15, Retrieved February 2, Since Maximus is more powerful than any of the heroes and will not give up until his plan has been completed, Blaze gets a plan to collide all 6 worlds and use the energy from the barriers between the worlds to bring back Maximus's world, with the exception of her world because the Chaos Emeralds and Sol Emeralds cannot exist in the same world, but in order for that to happen, everything will need to be back in the world that it came from. These events were to celebrate an actual event or for competitions that were hosted by Sega. There, he finds the last shards, but ends up getting sent to the past, this time with the Altar of Emerald under a thick flame. The adaptation was published in issues 79 through 84 , along with a page special, the 13th issue of the Sonic Super Special series.

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