Fossil radiocarbon dating / Radiocarbon in Yet Another Dinosaur Fossil | The Institute for Creation Research

Fossil radiocarbon dating

Fossil radiocarbon dating

By: Marshall Brain Updated: Oct 20, If scientists find a layer of volcanic ash with a known date on one side of a valley and also find a layer of ash with the same chemical fingerprint somewhere else in the valley, they can assume these layers were laid down at the same time. Thanks to the hard work of many scientists, a multitude of techniques are available to date the amount of time since an object entered the geological record. As the record is incomplete, the scientific search continues to uncover more and more ancient remains. Creation-based thinking made a testable prediction. The unstable isotope spontaneously emits energy through radiation that changes its number of protons, neutrons, or both. You can also sign up for our free print newsletter US only.

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