deniz çakır eşkiyadan neden kovuldu / 1. упщIэ, 2. щэкI Iув, 2 - Rodeo

Deniz Çakır Eşkiyadan Neden Kovuldu

deniz çakır eşkiyadan neden kovuldu


Ottoman-Ukrainian Diplomatic Relations in the Framework of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty (1918) Towards the end of the World War I, the Peace Treaty signed on 9th February of 1918, between Quadruple Alliance, which consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and Ukraine; has had critical importance for both sides. With the treaty signed by Ukraine, Germany and Austria-Hungary would be able to gain access to Ukraine’s vast agricultural potential and resources. On the other hand, Bolsheviks who were in a struggle against the Ottoman Empire, would lost a strategically important area and its resources. Under these circumstances the treaty signed between the Ottoman Empire and Ukraine, as well as the other members of Quadruple Alliance, ultimately started their diplomatic relations. The Ottoman Empire had assigned an ambassador and three consuls to Ukraine. On the other hand, Ukraine sent its diplomats to Istanbul and diplomatic relations had been launched through these missions. In this context, the article analyzes the Ottoman-Ukrainian relations in the process of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty.

Kazan Tatarlarının Kültürel Kimliğinin Oluşumunda Sabantuy Bayramı, 1 5,

ÖZ. Bu makale 2016-2017 yıllarında, İstanbul’da Ermeni liselerinde eğitim görmüş 18-30 yaş aralığındaki gençlerle gerçekleştirilen bir saha araştırmasının verilerine dayanmaktadır. Günümüz Ermeni gençliğini anlamayı, böylece Türkiye’de gençlik çalışmaları literatürüne bir gayrimüslim azınlık grubu gençliği üzerine yapılmış saha çalışmasının verileriyle katkı sunmayı hedeflemektedir. Makalede, Ermeni liselerinden mezun olan ve Ermenilerin yoğun yaşadığı semtlerde yaşayan gençler hedeflenerek, öncelikle günümüz Ermeni gençlerinin kimlik stratejilerinde mekânın, bir sosyalleşme ve kültür aktarımı alanı olarak okulun etkisi ölçülmek istenmiştir. Bunların yansıra, aile ve kilisenin, gençlerin Ermeni kültürüyle bağlantısında rolü anlaşılmaya çalışılmış, kolektif hafıza ve toplumsal travmaların gençlerin kimlik algıları üzerindeki etkisi sorgulanmıştır. Böylece, Ermenilerin dışa açıldıkları dönemde doğup büyüyen hem de 2007 Hrant Dink suikastı gibi Ermeni topluluğunda travma etkisi yapan olayları da deneyimleyen toplumsal kuşağın kimliği anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ermeni, Gençlik, Kimlik Algısı, Kimlik Stratejileri, Toplumsal Kuşak. BEING ARMENIAN YOUTH IN TODAY’S TURKEY: THE IDENTITY PERCEPTIONS, RESOURCES AND STRATEGIES OF ARMENIAN HIGH SCHOOLS’ GRADUATES IN ISTANBUL ABSTRACT. This article aims to contribute to youth studies field in Turkey through a case study conducted between 2016-2017 on Armenian high school graduates among 18-30 years old living in Istanbul’s neighbourhoods densely populated by Armenians. The article attempts to measure the influence of the school as socialization and cultural transmission context/space on the identity strategies of Armenian youth. The article also looks into the influence of family, church, communal relations, collective memories and traumas on the Armenian youth and questions their perception of being Armenian. Consequently, the article aims to understand a generation of Armenian youth who was not only born and raised in an era in which Armenian community was starting to open up, but also experienced traumatic events such as Hrant Dink’s assassination in 2007. Keywords: Armenian, Youth, Identity Perception, Identity Strategies, Social Generation.


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