hey girl whats up in spanish / How do you say "hey girl how you doin " in Spanish (Colombia)? | HiNative

hey girl whats up in spanish

hey girl whats up in spanish

Sign in here. In our guide below, we will list the English greeting followed by the equivalent Spanish greeting, followed up with the IPA. Notice that in other countries, such as France, they start on the other side. Even though everyone or nearly everyone speaks and understands Spanish, it might be helpful to know a few basic phrases in these regional languages, depending on what city you choose to visit. With iTranslate Pro , you get way more than just text translation Try it free. Example: Mi amiga me ha prestado chavo. Nearly all of the phrases above can be regarded as "all-round expressions" since any native Spanish speaker will understand them, no matter the country.

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HEY GIRL WHATS UP IN SPANISH / janiceclark.net