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When I was diagnosed with Stage 4 in , writing a memoir came to the forefront of my mind. I asked on LinkedIn if anyone knew any ghostwriters. Why use a ghostwriter? Why not write it myself?

It&#;s been a lifelong ambition of mine to write &#; whether it would be memoirs, novels, journals or blogs. I&#;m not particularly good at sticking to my plans to write; as you&#;ll have seen my blogging is sporadic because it depends on what I&#;ve got going on at the time.

After years of working as a consultant, I have come to know that you can&#;t always rely on yourself for certain things. A full-time writer has learned the techniques needed to hook readers in. I&#;m just a business consultant who rambles a lot. The writer is also being paid to do a job, so the work will be done; it&#;s not a pastime. The risk is all on me as the contributing author; when do I have time to do my bits? Not to mention the cost of hiring a ghostwriter.

Then I had the opportunity one day to do this, thanks to the generosity of so many people out there who contributed to my GoFundMe page, dedicated to making memories for Mollie. I was able to take out StoryTerrace&#;s top package and write my memoir, with Jools, one of their ghostwriters. They even signed over the copyright afterwards.

It&#;s writers like Jools Abrams who are able to take a whirlwind of a life and weave it into an engaging story designed to help my little girl understand me. She will spend more of her life without me than with me, so it means the world to leave her this little book full of truths and love.

Hurricane Gemma &#; order from 1 August for your Kindle and in both paperback and hardback. UK


На самом деле название тура говорящее, но и только. Сырой ещё, необкатанный. Помощник был, сказал, экскурсовод сама этот маршрут разрабатывала. Для любителей маленьких деревенских церквей, возможно, норм. Для меня слишком много церквей. Нет, я, конечно, знала описание маршрута, но представлялось, что мы будем по разным берегам этого озера в пешей доступности часто, но нет! Все церквм или разрушенные или восстанавливаемые. Задержались сильно, где эта матушка Варвара вещает, особо легенд я не услышала, кроме как историю каждой отдельно взятой церквухи. Там, где трапеза была в Осьмино, пришлось делиться пополам, нас не предупредили (хотя по фразам самого гида, ей было это известно), там церква передом зайти, задом выйти, обслуживали 2 человека, мы итак должны были в 15ч обедать, а начали в 16, сначала мы опоздали и потом ждали, когда они готовы будут. А многие уже сильно хотели. Судя по разговорам людей из автобуса, некоторым пюре не очень вкусное попалось, мне нормальное, только остывшее, но это мелочь, на которую не стоит обращать внимания (как говорила моя мама: голодный ест холодное). Некоторые роптали про goalma.org, будто бы тут не соблюдены, ТК домашняя еда, а в кафе типа всегда соблюдаются (угу, блажен, кто верует). Еда домашняя (суп грибной, пюре, котлета, овощи свежие, морс и пирог яблочный, порции не маленькие). Эти люди (возможно, семейная пара пенсионеров) очень старались, за что им огромное спасибо. Туалеты, конечно, везде, деревенские, ну некоторым и это не понравилось (а что они хотели в деревне?). Погода хорошая, красиво везде - это плюс. Озеро ничем не примечательное, в том месте, где мы до него дошли, на берегу шины, фоткать особо нечего. Ну хоть просто природа местами. При хорошей погоде и фотки хорошие. Экскурсовод иногда какую-то чушь несла, имхо. Нашла созвучие в Самро/Сампо и зачем -то приплела Калевалу, утверждала, что Похъяла находится на Лужской земле. С чего бы? Если по эпосу это севернее Калевалы. Почему -то говорила, что Осьмино было раньше Восьмино (возможно), со смыслом, что восемь появилось раньше, чем осемь, имхо, нелогично . Говорила, что продовольственная программа СССР была вся провальная. А поля одуванчиков, что мы проезжали, прекрасны. Ну да, только это бывшие картофельные поля. И раньше, в советах вся goalma.org была с овощными полями, да и далеко ходить не надо: Шушары, Ленсоветовский. Около некого поля заросшего были развалины от бывших советских сельхозпостроек, она утверждала, что это современный недострой. Угу, мой сосед по автобусу , тоже над ее подобными утверждениями поржал, он вобще родом из этих мест, там все детство. Утверждала, что тут сирень цветет, а в СПб нет. Ну, конечно! Мои дети накануне в соседнем дворе СПб драли. Водитель молодец, доставил почти вовремя и выбрал нужную дорогу, что в были на м. Московской. Немного медленнее двигались на двух ЖД-переездах только и ближе к Гатчине, в остальном быстро.

40larıma girerken düşünce parçacıkları. Sanırım bu yaşta insan geriye dönüp hayata dair çıkarımlar yapmadan edemiyor.

20li yaşlarımı kronik endişe ve depresyonla, 30lu yaşlarımın büyük bir kısmını kendimden şüphe ederek, kendimi aşağılayarak, küçük görerek geçirdikten sonra, nihayet 40lara girerken daha önce hiç olmadığım kadar kendime güvenli hissediyorum. Bu kendimle barışık hale geliş o kadar uzun zaman, o kadar çok emek, terapi, ilaç, ve kendimle ve başkalarıyla yaptığım dürüst ve zor diyaloglar gerektirdi ki… Ama nihayet, kendimle ve dünyayla hiç olmadığım kadar barışık bir noktadayım, ve nihayet kendime, iyi bir arkadaşıma davrandığım gibi davranıyorum (çoğu zaman). Tabi ki hala kendime gıcık olduğum, kendimi suçladığım, yeteneklerimden şüphe ettiğim anlar oluyor, hani o sürekli kendimize zihinsel eziyet ettiğimiz haller tamamen bitmiyor elbette. Ama bu anlar artık hayatımın çoğunluğuna yayılmıyor ve hükmetmiyor.

Çocukken ve ergenlik döneminde toplumun ve hatta sevdiklerimizin &#; bizi sevenlerin &#; bize verdikleri zararı yetişkinler olarak tamir etmek, bizde açtığı yaraları sarmak için ne kadar çok vakit ve enerji harcamak zorunda olduğumuza bakıp bakıp bu duruma inanamıyorum. Bu söylediklerim kulağa acımasız ve karanlık gelebilir, ama gerçek bu. Ve bu gerçeği kabullenip büyümeye, değişmeye karar vermenin çok nefis bir yanı var. Toplumun, ailenin, arkadaşlarımızın ve hatta kendimizin inşa ettiği daraltan, engelleyen kutular içinde buluyoruz kendimizi. Bu sınırlayıcı kutuların dışında bir dünya ve kendimize yakışan, uyan bir varolma biçimi olduğunu farketmemiz yıllar alıyor. Keşke minik insanlar (çocuklar) okulda bu kutuları engellemenin, onlardan kurtulmanın, kendin olmanın, düşünen, seven, barışçıl insanlar olmanın yollarını öğreniyor olsalardı. Keşke bu elzem öğretiler 20li, 30lu yaşlarımıza (veya artık ne zaman bulara ihtiyacımız olduğunu farkediyorsak o zamana) bırakılmasaydı, ve eğitimin resmi olarak bir parçası olsaydı.

Bu durumda, eğer biraz “bilgece” bir tavsiyede bulunabilirsem (evet biliyorum sormadınız ama artık yeterince yaş aldım bu ömürden ve istediğimi yapma hakkını kazandım, heheh), bu güzel gezegende geçen 40 yıldan sonra, bu harika canlılar arasında nefes alan ve düşünen bir insan olmayı 40 yıl boyunca deneyimledikten sonra, diyeceğim şu ki, bir insan olarak önceliğiniz, etrafınıza inşa edilmiş, sizi gerçek benliğiniz olmaktan alıkoyan, sınırlayan bu kutuları tespit etmek. Önceliğiniz, kendinizin en iyi arkadaşı olmak (ama her iyi arkadaş gibi kendinizi yumuşakça, yapıcı ve fakat dürüstçe eleştirmek, akılcı olmak ve narsist olmamak :) ). Çünkü eğer kendinizle ve var olma biçiminizle barışık olabilirseniz, inanıyorum ki çevrenizdeki insanlara da daha iyi bir yoldaş olacaksınız.

Muhtaç olduğunuz bilgelik, farkında olmasanız da, hemen elinizin altında! Tekerleği yeniden icat etmeniz, bu yola yapayalnız atılmanız gerekmiyor. Binlerce yıllık öğretiler, modern psikoloji, kitaplar, podcast’lar, birlikte tartışan büyüyen insanlar var. Hepimizin büyümek gelişmek için yolu uzun. Umarım kendinize değişim, büyümek, ve kendinizi keşfetmek hediyesini verirsiniz. Bunun nasıl olacağı, bu yolculuk herkes için farklı, ama bu maceraya nasıl atılacak olursanız olun, umarım büyümeyi ve gelişmeyi hiç bir zaman bırakmayın. (Ve tabi umuyorum ki bunu yaparken çevrenizdeki güzel insanlara zarar vermeden yapın.)


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A fun fact people like to share about the Capitol Records building is, &#;Did you know it&#;s designed to look like a stack of records?&#; As the world&#;s first circular office building, it&#;s easy to draw that conclusion but it&#;s incorrect.

The iconic tower was designed by Welton Becket and Associates, with architect Louis Naidorf serving as lead designer. Naidorf himself said that if the building were home to an iHop, people would assume it was designed to look like a stack of pancakes. When Naidorf was drawing up the circular design, he wasn&#;t yet aware it was intended to house a record label. The unique shape came about because it was simply a more cost-efficient design.

Located at Vine St., the story tower was completed in and is a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument. Music legends like Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, The Beach Boys, and the Wrecking Crew are among artists who recorded some of the most influential music in history inside this beloved landmark. The recording facility, Capitol Studios, includes three main studios as well as a notorious subterranean &#;echo chamber&#; engineered feet underground by famed guitarist Les Paul.

Topping the building is a foot rooftop spire with a blinking red light. Those who can decipher Morse Code may notice that the light continuously blinks H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D, one letter at a time. Ornamental lights are wrapped around the spire at Christmastime to form a glowing red Christmas tree, the lighting of which is Hollywood&#;s annual signal that the holidays have begun.

A vibrant mural featuring legendary jazz musicians Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, and many more can be seen on the south exterior wall of Capitol Records. Commissioned by the Los Angeles Jazz Society, artist Richard Wyatt created the mural in It has since been restored and fired onto 2, hand-glazed ceramic tiles to ensure the mural&#;s longevity.


The building is also largely recognizable because it&#;s frequently featured in film and TV. It can be spotted in Quentin Tarantino&#;s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Independence Day, Mad Men, Lana del Rey&#;s Doin&#; Time music video, and Grand Theft Auto V, to name just a few.

Along with the Pantages Theater, the Walk of Fame, and the Frolic Room, the Capitol Records building is part of what makes the intersection of Hollywood and Vine one of the most Instagram-worthy tourist attractions in L.A.

Discover more of the best of LA with our top 5 destinations. Perfect for a weekend visit to LA. 

Summer Landscape Tips

26 May Summer Landscape Tips

Well, we certainly have had a nice Spring, haven’t we? The flowers started blooming, and your grass got greener. However, the warmer months are upon us! It is never too soon to start thinking about your yard in terms of it looking its best for the summer season. Here are some tips that can help you get there:

Test Your Soil

More than land-grant schools in the U.S. have an extension service that will perform soil testing for a small fee. You can find the closest office to your house on the United States Department of Agriculture website. The results you receive will tell you about the nutrients in your soil and the soil’s pH balance. Handling it this early will help you make informed decisions about fertilizing and treating pH. If your soil has low pH, meaning it is acidic, you can spread lime now. If you have high alkaline soil, add elemental sulfur. Either way, you will benefit from spring rains, which will help the soil absorb what you’ve laid down. But you will want to tackle this task now &#; sending in samples and waiting for results can take several weeks. 

Clear Leaves and Debris

While it is generally fine to leave the leaves where they are in the fall, large dense swaths of yard debris can block the sun from reaching your lawn, making it difficult for grass to sprout at all. If you did not use a leaf blower last fall, do some cleanup now. Use the collected leaves for compost. Better still, mulch the fallen leaves with the mulching kit or attachment for your mower or tractor. The churned-up clippings will feed your lawn and reduce the amount of fertilizing.

Apply Fertilizer

Bags of fertilizer display three numbers separated by hyphens. The numbers refer to the ratio among nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), in that order. Again, your soil test will let you know what nutrients your soil is lacking. For grasses planted and intended for cooler, northern climates, put down at least one application of fertilizer in spring (if you need fertilizer). Bagged fertilizer is best distributed with a spreader, either a push model or a snap-on version that attaches to your riding mower.

Repair Walkways and Edging

Winter can be brutal on pavers, walkways, and driveways. Aside from damage done by your snow blower or a plow, frost heave &#; the natural freeze-and-thaw cycle &#; can split concrete and knock stones out of whack. To keep out water and help keep a problem from worsening, seal any new gaps in concrete with concrete-crack filler. Secure loose pavers or patio stones temporarily. If the damage is extensive, consider having a landscape contractor dig up and reset the stones, making sure to start 6 inches below the soil line to minimize shifts from future frost heave. Tackling this project now, while pros are less busy, may cost a bit less than booking a repair at the height of the season.

Flower Beds

Now that you have got the practicalities of your garden makeover out of the way, you can start to get creative by planting the flower beds. Before you can plant anything, you will need to prep the beds. You can do this by digging out any weeds that you find. It is important that you dig the full root out or they will be back very quickly. Then put some compost down and start to plant some flowers. Think about planting some low-maintenance perennial plants that will come back next year. Once planted, you should add plenty of mulch around the edges to stop the weeds coming through and ruining the flower bed.

US links are here; the book is also available in many other countries (too many to list here), so please search for Hurricane Gemma in your regional Amazon site.




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