tazmanya kaplanı ingilizce / TY the Tasmanian Tiger Steam'de

Tazmanya Kaplanı Ingilizce

tazmanya kaplanı ingilizce

Tasmanya kaplanı

Tasmanya kaplanı ya da Tasmanya kurdu (Thylacinus cynocephalus), yüzyılda soyu tükenen Avustralya'ya özgü büyük bir etçil keselidir.[1] Avustralya'nın Avrupalılar tarafından iskanından sonra soyu tükenen birçok türden sadece biri olmasına rağmen en büyüğü ve en ünlüsüdür.

Diğer kıtalardaki kurtlar ve kaplanlar (kaplan ve kurt plasentalı memelilerdir ve keseli thylacine ile akraba değillerdir) gibi thylacine de doruk yırtıcı idi ve hem boyutu hem de genel biçimi adını aldığı kuzey yarı-küreli yırtıcılara benzemekteydi.

Tasmanya kaplanının yaşayan en yakın akrabasının, Tasmanya canavarı veya numbat olduğu sanılıyor. Tasmanya kaplanı, her iki cinsinin de kese taşıdığı bilinen, iki keseli memeli türünden biriydi. (Diğeri, yüzen keseli.) Erkek tasmanya kaplanı, üreme organlarını kapatan ve koruyucu bir kılıf gibi davranan bir keseye sahipti.


"Tazmanya" kelimesinin İngilizce'e çevirisi

Tasmania, tasmania , "Tazmanya" ifadesinin İngilizce içine en iyi çevirileridir. Çevrilmiş örnek cümle: Keresteleri, mobilyacılar ve tekne üreticileri için çok değerli olduğundan “Tazmanya kerestelerinin kralı” olarak adlandırılır. ↔ This “prince” of Tasmanian timber is highly prized by furniture makers and boat builders.

+Çeviri ekleEkleTazmanya

  • Tazmanya adasının Glenorchy kentindeki lisede okurken akademik başarılarımdan ötürü birkaç ödül kazandım.

    In high school in Glenorchy, in the island state of Tasmania, I won several awards for academic achievement.


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+Çeviri ekleEkletazmanya

  • Tazmanya adasının Glenorchy kentindeki lisede okurken akademik başarılarımdan ötürü birkaç ödül kazandım.

    In high school in Glenorchy, in the island state of Tasmania, I won several awards for academic achievement.


Örnek ekleEkle

Keresteleri, mobilyacılar ve tekne üreticileri için çok değerli olduğundan “Tazmanya kerestelerinin kralı” olarak adlandırılır.

This “prince” of Tasmanian timber is highly prized by furniture makers and boat builders.


Ve cevap Tazmanya canavarı kanserinin DNA'sı üzerinde yapılan çalışmalardan elde edildi.

And the answer came from studying the Tasmanian devil cancer's DNA.


Tüm dünyada bilim adamlarını bu kanser, Tazmanya canavarları arasında yayılan bu bulaşıcı kanser, şaşkına çevirdi.

Scientists around the world were intrigued by this cancer, this infectious cancer, that was spreading through the Tasmanian devil population.


Öyleyse neden tazmanya canavarı gibi saldırdı?

Why'd he go all Tasmanian Devil on me, then?


Tazmanya kaplanı.

A Tasmanian tiger.


Tazmanya'da 1 Ocak tarihinden itibaren, 18 yaşından küçüklerin bulunduğu araçlarda sigara içilmesi yasaklandı ve tespiti halinde anında Avustralya Doları parası cezası verilmektedir.

As of 1 January , smoking in cars with passengers under the age of 18 is banned and will incur a $ on the spot fine.


Karşında Tazmanya canavarı var.

That's the Tasmanian Devil.


Tazmanya canavarı genellikle leş yiyicidir ve güçlü çenesini ve keskin dişlerini çürümüş hayvanların kemiklerini parçalamak için kullanır.

The Tasmanian devil is predominantly a scavenger, and it uses its powerful jaws and its sharp teeth to chomp on the bones of rotting dead animals. [ The ]


Benim kişisel amacım Tazmanya canavarlarını kanserden kurtarmak.

My personal aim is to defeat the Tasmanian devil cancer.


Bu şu demek oluyor aslında bütün kanserler tek bir canavarın neden olduğu, ilk canavarın vücudundan serbest kalmış, ve tüm Tazmanya canavarlarına yayılan aynı kanser türü.

That means that all of these cancers actually are the same cancer that arose once from one individual devil, that have broken free of that first devil's body and spread through the entire Tasmanian devil population.


O yüzünde büyük bir tümörle bulduğumuz bir Tazmanya canavarı.

He's a Tasmanian devil that we found with a large tumor on his face.


24 yaşından sonra hayatımın büyük bölümünü Tazmanya bataklıklarında geçirdim.

I pretty much lived in a Tasmanian marsh from the age of


Birkaç alt tür tanınır, bunlar: Avustralya incir kuşu grubu: A. n. australis, A. n. bilbali & A. n. rogersi - Avustralya ana karası A. n. bistriatus - Tazmanya A. n. exiguus - Yeni Gine Yeni Zelanda incir kuşu grubu: A. n. novaeseelandiae - Kuzey Adası, Güney Adası, Stewart Adası (Kuzey Adasında kuşlar bazen, ayrı bir alt tür A.n. reischeki olarak düşünülür.)

A number of subspecies are recognised: Australian pipit group A. n. australis, A. n. bilbali & A. n. rogersi - mainland Australia A. n. bistriatus - Tasmania A. n. exiguus - New Guinea New Zealand pipit group A. n. novaeseelandiae - North, South and Stewart Islands (birds on the North Island are sometimes treated as a separate subspecies A. n. reischeki).


Ama yine de Tazmanya canavarı üç yavrusunu kesesinde besliyordu.

And yet, she was feeding three little baby Tasmanian devils in her pouch.


Ben Koreliyim, aptal gözlü tazmanya seni.

I Korean, you stupid round-eyed Tasmanian.


Tazmanya Kaplanı.

Tasmanian Tiger.


Tazmanya'dan beyaz mantara $ 1, harcayamazsın.

Okay, you can't spend $ 1, on white truffles from Tasmania.


Günümüzde Tazmanya olarak bilinen, Van Diemen's Land'e yerleşim yılında başlamıştır.

Van Diemen's Land, now known as Tasmania, was settled in


Tazmanya'ya gerçekten gittin mi?

Were you actually in Tasmania?


Tazmanya canavarı sadece, Avustralya anakarasının güneyindeki küçük bir ada olan Tazmanya adasında yaşar.

Tasmanian devil is found only on the island of Tasmania, which is that small island just to the south of the mainland of Australia.


Peki, ilk olarak, Tazmanya canavarı nedir?

So first of all, what is a Tasmanian devil?


Ve tıpkı Tazmanya canavarı kanseri gibi canlı kanser hücreleri boyunca yaylan bulaşıcı bir kanser, yani bu köpek kanseri.

And just as the Tasmanian devil cancer is contagious through the spread of living cancer cells, so is this dog cancer.


Ama eğer bu Tazmanya canavarlarında olabiliyorsa, neden diğer hayvanlara ve hatta insanlara aynı şey olmadı?

But if this can happen in Tasmanian devils, why hasn't it happened in other animals or even humans?


Sonraki 8 yıl boyunca Tazmanya’da öncülük yapma ayrıcalığına sahip oldum.

For the next eight years, I had the privilege of pioneering in Tasmania.


Ama Tazmanya canavarının sayısı gerçekten inanılmaz hızlı bir şekilde düşüş gösteriyor.

But the Tasmanian devil population has been undergoing a really extremely fast decline.


En kullanışlı sorgu listesi: 1K, ~2K, ~3K, ~4K, ~5K, ~K, ~K, ~K, ~K, ~kK, ~K, ~1M

Nesli tükenen hayvanlar (extinct animals) nelerdir? Nesli tükenme nedenleri, nesli tükenen hayvanlar ile ilgili ingilizce yazı, bilgi.

Nesli Tükenen Hayvanlar İle İlgili İngilizce Bilgi

Extinct Animals

When an entire species, or type, of animal dies out, that species is extinct. Once a species becomes extinct, it is gone forever.

The most common cause of extinction is a sudden, serious change in a species’ habitat. A habitat is the surroundings in which an animal lives. Animals can rarely survive such sudden change. Their food supply may be wiped out. They may also lose shelter or other things that they need to survive.

Many things can change a species’ habitat. Floods, fires, droughts, volcanoes, and other natural events may be causes. People also change the environment too.


dodo kuşu

Kaynak: funduszeue.info


Dodo is one of the most famous flightless birds that became extinct shortly after it was discovered ( years after its discovery). Dodo was endemic for Mauritius, island in the Indian Ocean. It was numerous on dry coastal areas and tropical forests of Mauritius before sailors arrived to this island in People brought dogs, cats, pigs and rats to the island, which together with sailors hunted dodo and ate its eggs, until they eliminated the last bird from the island. Last dodo was seen in the wild in It was declared officially extinct in Story of dodo is one of the first and one of the best-known stories of man-made extinction.

moa kuşu

Kaynak: funduszeue.info


Moa was large, flightless bird that lived on New Zealand until years AD. There were around 11 species of moa, some of which appeared on the planet million years ago. Moa had lived in the forests, scrublands, grasslands or subalpine habitats (depending on the species). These birds were numerous and widespread on New Zealand until the arrival of Maori (indigenous Polynesian people) around years ago. As a result of intense habitat destruction, uncontrolled collecting of eggs and killing of moa (for meat and manufacture of harpoon heads, fish hooks, jewelry and clothing), moa became extinct around years after the arrival of first people. Introduction of new species of predators, such as dogs and rats, have additionally accelerated decrease in number of eggs and birds in the wild.

tazmanya kaplanı

Kaynak: funduszeue.info


Tasmanian tiger, also known as thylacine, is large marsupial that lived in Tasmania, Australia and New Guinea at least years before it went extinct in the 20th century. It was dominant predator in the eucalyptus forests, grasslands and wetlands before the introduction of dingo, to years ago. Aside from dingo, major threats for the survival of Tasmanian tigers were uncontrolled hunting and habitat destruction. Last Tasmanian tiger was killed in the wild in , and last captive specimen died in Beaumaris Zoo in Hobart, Tasmania 6 years later.

göçmen güvercin

Kaynak: funduszeue.info


Passenger pigeon was North American species of pigeon that lived in deciduous forests during the mating season, and in the pine forests and swamps during the winter. Population of around 5 billion passenger pigeons existed in the wild, before they were wiped out from our planet years later thanks to the accelerated deforestation and uncontrolled hunting. Last passenger pigeon was seen in the wild in Martha was the last known captive specimen of passenger pigeon. She died in Cincinnati zoo in , at the age of 29 years.


Photo Credit: Uğur Sağlam &#; funduszeue.info


Ammonoids are an extinct group of marine mollusc animals in the subclass Ammonoidea of the class Cephalopoda. These molluscs are more closely related to living coleoids (i.e., octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish) than they are to shelled nautiloids such as the living Nautilus species. The earliest ammonites appear during the Devonian, and the last species died out during the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event.

Ammonites are excellent index fossils, and it is often possible to link the rock layer in which a particular species or genus is found to specific geologic time periods. Their fossil shells usually take the form of planispirals, although there were some helically spiraled and nonspiraled forms (known as heteromorphs).

sea scorpion

Photo credit: Uğur Sağlam &#; funduszeue.info


Although informally called sea scorpionsons were the earliest ones were marine (later ones lived in brackish or freshwater), and they were not true scorpions. According to theory, the move from the sea to fresh water had probably occured by the Pennsylvanian subperiod. Earypterids are believed to have undergone ecdysis, making their significance in ecosystems difficult to assess, because it can be difficult to tell a fossil moult from of true fossil carcass. They became extinct during the Permian Triassic extinction eventor sometime before the event million years ago. Their fossils have a near global distribution.

kaynağı değiştir]


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