dating trend submarining / From 'Bae' To 'Submarining,' The Lingo Of Online Dating | WKAR Public Media

dating trend submarining

dating trend submarining

The Lure of Digital Anonymity In an era dominated by digital communication, the ease of disappearing and reappearing without face-to-face confrontation is a significant enabler of submarining. Or so you thought As tempting as it is to lapse back into casual banter and playing along, recognize that's exactly what the submeriner wants - for you to tacitly excuse and reward their disturbingly inconsiderate actions. Confused and genuinely curious, I inquired after his endgame: Was he angling for me to come over, or was he just making conversation? You may text them but they will never text you back. In my opinion, we were the perfect fit. Indecisiveness Sometimes, people submarine because of their own uncertainties about what they want from a relationship or a partner.

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