what does dating scan show / Ultrasound Direct Dating Scan

what does dating scan show

what does dating scan show

What You Will Learn During the Week Ultrasound This ultrasound is not just about determining the due date; it's also an opportunity to check for multiple pregnancies and significant foetal anomalies. This tells your healthcare provider how far along in your pregnancy you are and is a much better method than basing your due date on when you last had a period SOGC , Van den Hof et al The sonographer or your doctor may discuss the findings with you and advise on any additional steps or follow-up scans, especially if potential health concerns are identified. BabyCentre's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. The scan can check that your baby's heart is beating and that they're developing as they should be Audibert et al , Van Hof et al Sometimes a trans-vaginal examination shows that your pregnancy is less advanced than expected. Caitlin McCormack is a writer based in Toronto.

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WHAT DOES DATING SCAN SHOW / janiceclark.net