overwatch winston dating simulation / ‘Overwatch 2’ Devs Want to Continue Loverwatch Dating Sim Project

overwatch winston dating simulation

overwatch winston dating simulation

All the heroes were in the running as possible candidates for the dating sim, including newer options like Junker Queen. Barrier Projector can't soak up Reaper's high damage as it has low health compared to the likes of Reinhardt's or even Orisa's barriers. Your ability to knock Reaper around during Primal Rage can keep him from landing close shots on you or sometimes even knock him off a cliff for an environmental kill , but you shouldn't directly confront a group of enemies with Primal Rage when Reaper is among them, as even with your enhanced health he may be able to run you into the ground with help from his friends. Winston was finally able to live up to the heroic ideal that had been instilled in him. If you and your team are grabbed by Zarya's Graviton Surge, quickly deploy a Barrier Projector, as it can help soak up some incoming damage. Tesla Cannon Primary Fire damage increased from 60 to 75 damage per second. Watch on YouTube.

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