historical dating of mahabharata / A New Dating Of Mahabharata War - AncientVoice

historical dating of mahabharata

historical dating of mahabharata

The Karana text gives the calculations from the nearest Shaka year. Vishwajeet Agrawal They have just touched the tip of the ice berg. The poetic verses Shilalekh of Ravikirti, in praise of the king, can be read in the Meguti temple, dated CE. That is, when Pramathi was running, it was Prabhava in the South and this continues till date. Then Bhishma should have fallen on the 10th day of war, i. Can you please some papers in the scientific community as you are claiming? They have been prejudiced against the richness of the Indian Civilization in the past and have always tried to attribute much later dates and consequently lo denigrate the glorious past of India.

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