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Metin List

metin list

A Representative List of Metin Kunt’s Publications

This volume has been edited without the knowledge of Metin Kunt. Since the editors did not ask him for a full bibliography of his works, this list of publications consist of those titles that are either widely known among the scholarly community, or have been cited in research papers, or are publicly available. The presented list has been arranged in chronological order.

“Naima, Köprülü, and the grand vezirate”, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Dergisi-Hümaniter Bilimler 1 (), 57–

“Ethnic-Regional (Cins) Solidarity in the Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Establishment”, IJMES 5 (), –

“Kulların Kulları”, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Dergisi-Hümaniter Bilimler 3 (), 27–

“ Yüzyılda Osmanlı Kuzey Politikası Üzerine Bir Yorum”, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Dergisi 4–5 (–77), –

“Derviş Mehmet Paşa, Vezīr and Entrepreneur: A Study in Ottoman Political-Economic Theory and Practice”, Turcica 9 (1), , –

Sancaktan Eyalete: – Arasında Osmanlı Ümerası ve İl İdaresi (Istanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, ).

Bir Osmanlı Valisinin Yıllık Gelir-Gideri, Diyarbekir –71 (Istanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, ).

“Transformation of Zimmî into Askerî”, in Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis (eds), Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society. Vol. 1. The Central Lands (Teaneck, NJ: Holmes & Meier Publishers, ), 55–

The Sultan’s Servants: The Transformation of Ottoman Provincial Government, – (New York: Columbia University Press, ).

“Türkische Beiträge zur Untersuchung der Beziehungen zwischen dem Osmanischen und dem Habsburger-Reich”, in Z. Abrahamowicz, V. Kopcan, M. Kunt, E. Marosi, N. Moacanin, C. Serban, K. Teply, Die Türkenkriege in der historischen Forschung (Vienna: Franz Deuticke, ), –

“The Later Muslim Empires: Ottomans, Safavids, Mughals”, in Majorie Kelly (ed.) Islam: The Religious and Political Life of a World Community (New York: Praeger, ), –

“Ottoman Names and Ottoman Ages”, in Bernard Lewis (ed.), Raiyyet Rüsûmu: Essays Presented to Halil Inalcik on his Seventieth Birthday by His Colleagues and Students, vol. I, Harvard [Journal of Turkish StudiesX], –

“Siyasal Tarih (–)”, in Sina Akşin (ed.) Türkiye Tarihi 2. Osmanlı Devleti – (Istanbul: Cem Yayınevi, ), 16–

“Siyasal Tarih (–)”, in Sina Akşin (ed.), Türkiye Tarihi 3. Osmanlı Devleti –. (Istanbul: Cem Yayınevi, ), 10–

(edited with Christine Woodhead), Süleyman the Magnificent and His Age: The Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World (London: Longman, ).

“State and Sultan up to the Age of Süleyman: Frontier Principality to World Empire”, in Metin Kunt and Christine Woodhead (eds), Süleyman the Magnificent and His Age (London: Longman, ), 12–

“Sadrazam”, Encyclopedia of Islam. Second edn, Vol. 8 (Leiden: Brill, ), –2.

(and Jean Deny), “Sandjak”, Encyclopedia of Islam. Second edn, Vol. 9 (Leiden: Brill, ), 11–

The Sultan’s Servants: The Transformation of Ottoman Provincial Government, –, Second edn (New York: Columbia University Press, ).

“Sancakbeyi haslarının ögeleri (–)”, in Hasan Celal Güzel, Salim Koca and Kemal Çiçek (eds), Türkler: Cilt. Osmanlı (Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, ), –

(edited with Christine Woodhead), Kanuni ve Çağı: Yeniçağda Osmanlı Dünyası, translated by Sermet Yalçın (Istanbul: Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, ).

“Sultan, Dynasty and State in the Ottoman Empire: Political Institutions in the 16th Century”, The Medieval History Journal/Special Issue on Tributary Empires 6 (2) , –

“Ottomans and Safavids: States, Statecraft, and Societies”, in Youssef M. Choueiri (ed.) A Companion to the History of the Middle East (Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, ), –

“A Prince Goes Forth (Perchance to Return)”, in Karl Barbir and Baki Tezcan (eds), Identity and Identity Formation in the Ottoman World: A Volume of Essays in Honor of Norman Itzkowitz (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press ), 63–

“Sultan Süleyman ve Nikris”, in Özlem Kumrular (ed.) Muhteşem Süleyman (Istanbul: Kitap Yayınevi, ).

“Reading Elite, Elite Reading”, Journal of Semitic Studies/Special issue on Printing and Publishing in the Middle East 24 (), 89–

“Ottomans and Spain”, in Lale Uluç and Ayşe Aldemir Kilercik (eds), Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Istanbul (Istanbul: Sabancı Üniversitesi Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi ), 18–

“Introduccion Historica: Los Tres Grandes Imperios: Otomanos, Safavidas y Mogoles”, in Sophie Makariou (ed.) Tres Imperios del Islam: Estambul, Isfahan, Delhi. Obras Masestras de la Coleccion del Louvre (Valencia: Bancaja Foundation, ), 21–8.

(as founding editor, with Kate Fleet, Suraiya Faroqhi and Reşad Kasaba), The Cambridge History of Turkey. Vols. I–IV (Cambridge: CUP, –).

“Kâtip Çelebiʾnin anlatımıyla Venedik = Venezia raccontata da Katip Çelebi”, in Nazan Ölçer and Giampiero Bellingeri (eds), Venezia e Istanbul in Epoca Ottomana: 18 Novembre –28 Febbraio , Istanbul, Università Sabancı, Museo Sakıp Sabancı= Osmanlı Döneminde Venedik ve İstanbul: 18 Kasım –28 Şubat İstanbul, Sabancı Üniversitesi, Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi (Milan: Electa ), 54–

“Osmanlı tarihçiliğinin çerçevesi: ‘Türk – İran’ modeli”, Doğu Batı: Osmanlılar I 12 (51) , 37–

(edited with Jeroen Duindam and Tülay Artan), Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires: A Global Perspective (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, ).

“Turks in the Ottoman Imperial Palace”, in Jeroen Duindam, Tülay Artan and Metin Kunt (eds), Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires: A Global Perspective (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, ), –

“Characterizing Ottoman Polity: ‘Turko-Persia’ and the Ottomans”, in İlker Evrim Binbaş and Nurten Kılıç-Schubel (eds), Horizons of the World: Festschrift for İsenbike Togan (Istanbul: İthaki Yayınları, ), –

“Royal and Other Households”, in Christine Woodhead (ed.), The Ottoman World (London: Routledge, ), –

(with Zeynep Nevin Yelçe), “Divân-ı Hümâyûn: le conseil impérial Ottoman et ses conseillers, –”, in Cédric Michon (ed.), Conseils et Conseillers dans L’Europe de la Renaissance (v–v) (Rennes: PUFR, ), –

“An Ottoman Imperial Campaign: Suppressing the Marsh Arabs, Central Power and Peripheral Rebellion in the s (Bir Osmanlı Sefer-i Hümayunu: Cezaʾir-i Arab Kalkışmasının Bastırılması, ʾlarda Merkezi Güç ve Uçlarda İsyan)”, Journal of Ottoman Studies (Osmanlı Araştırmaları Dergisi) 43 (), 1–

(with Zeynep Nevin Yelçe), “Polonyalı İki Osmanlı” (Two Polish Ottomans), in Ayşen Anadol (ed.), Uzak Komşu Yakın Anılar:Türkiye Polonya İlişkilerinin Yılı (Distant Neighbour Close Memories: Years of Turkish – Polish Relations) (Istanbul: Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, ), 50–

“Devolution from the Centre to the Periphery: An Overview of Ottoman Provincial Administration”, in Jeroen Duindam and Sabine Dabringhaus (eds), The Dynastic Centre and the Provinces: Agents and Interactions (Leiden: Brill, ), 30–

“Ottoman White Eunuchs as Palace Officials and Statesmen, –”, in Juliane Schiele and Stefan Hanss (eds), Mediterranean Slavery Revisited ()/Neue Perspektiven auf mediterrane Sklaverei () (Zürich: Chronos Verlag, ).

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  • Metin:List

    Level Image Name Spawn areas Skill Book Spirit Stones Soul Stones 5 Metin of the seafoodplus.infoMetin of the MoonColony5 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of SorrowJoan, Pyungmoo, Yongan&#; 10 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of CombatJoan, Pyungmoo, Yongan&#; 15 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of BattleJoan, Pyungmoo, Yongan&#; 20 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of GreedJoan, Pyungmoo, Yongan&#; 25 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of BlackBakra, Bokjung, Yayang, Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan&#; &#; 30 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of DarknessBakra, Bokjung, Yayang&#; &#; 35 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of JealousyBakra, Bokjung, Yayang&#; &#; 40 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of SoulYongbi Desert&#; &#; &#; 45 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of ShadowValley of Seungryong, Yongbi Desert&#; &#; &#; 50 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of ToughnessYongbi Desert&#; &#; &#; Demon Tower&#; &#; 55 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of DevilMount Sohan&#; &#; &#; Demon Tower&#; &#; 60 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of FallDemon Tower&#; &#; 60 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of VengeanceDragon's Temple&#; 60 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of SolitudeDragon's Temple&#; 60 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of MountainDragon's Temple&#; 60 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of ArroganceDragon's Temple&#; 65 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of DeathMount Sohan&#; &#; &#; Demon Tower&#; &#; 70 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of MurderFireland&#; &#; &#; Demon Tower&#; &#; 75 Metin seafoodplus.infoMetin Pung-MaLand of Giants, Lungsam, Snakefield&#; &#; 80 Metin seafoodplus.infoMetin Ma-AnLand of Giants, Lungsam, Snakefield&#; &#; 85 Metin seafoodplus.infoMetin Tu-YoungRed Forest&#; &#; 85 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of RetributionDevil's Catacomb&#; 90 Metin seafoodplus.infoMetin Jeon-UnRed Forest&#; &#; &#; 95 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of GloomCape Dragon Fire, Nephrite Bay&#; &#; &#; 95 Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of EmberCape Dragon Fire, Nephrite Bay&#; &#; &#; Purgatory Fire seafoodplus.infoPurgatory Fire MetinRed Dragon Fortress&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of ColdNemere's Watchtower&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of VanityNephrite Bay&#; &#; &#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of WrathThunder Mountains, Gautama Cliff&#; &#; &#; Metin of the Tree seafoodplus.infoMetin of the Tree BeingsEnchanted Forest&#; North Dragon seafoodplus.infoNorth Dragon PillarNemere's Watchtower&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of CalamityThunder Mountains&#; &#; &#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of MaliceGautama Cliff&#; &#; &#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of Vengeance (TR)Grotto of Exile (TR)&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of Solitude (TR)Grotto of Exile (TR)&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of Mountain (TR)Grotto of Exile (TR)&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of Arrogance (TR)Grotto of Exile (TR)&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of Vengeance (RX)Grotto of Exile (RX)&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of Solitude (RX)Grotto of Exile (RX)&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of Mountain (RX)Grotto of Exile (RX)&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of Arrogance (RX)Grotto of Exile (RX)&#; Metin of the seafoodplus.infoMetin of the ForestEnchanted Forest&#; &#; pxMetin of EarthElemental Realm&#; pxMetin of FireElemental Realm&#; pxMetin of IceElemental Realm&#; pxMetin of LightningElemental Realm&#; pxMetin of NightElemental Realm&#; pxMetin of the WindElemental Realm&#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of PerceptionAbandoned Fortress, Dong Gwang Plain, Seo Gwang Wastelands, Nam Gwang Chasm&#; &#; &#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of Perception (Q)Dong Gwang Plain Troll seafoodplus.infoTroll OutpostDong Gwang Plain 1st Quag seafoodplus.info1st Quag OutpostSeo Gwang Wastelands 2nd Quag seafoodplus.info2nd Quag OutpostNam Gwang Chasm Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of AppreciationSeo Gwang Wastelands, Nam Gwang Chasm, Yilad Pass&#; &#; &#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of MindfulnessNam Gwang Chasm, Yilad Pass&#; &#; &#; Metin of the seafoodplus.infoMetin of the JinNam Gwang Chasm, Yilad Pass&#; &#; &#; Metin of the seafoodplus.infoMetin of the ShihoYilad Pass, Northwind Canyon, Soul Gorge&#; &#; &#; Metin of seafoodplus.infoMetin of GumarNorthwind Canyon, Soul Gorge&#; &#; &#; Space Serpent seafoodplus.infoSpace Serpent MetinSerpent Temple (Base Floor)&#; &#; &#; Earth Serpent seafoodplus.infoEarth Serpent MetinSerpent Temple&#; &#; &#; Fire Serpent seafoodplus.infoFire Serpent MetinSerpent Temple&#; &#; &#; Ice Serpent seafoodplus.infoIce Serpent MetinSerpent Temple&#; &#; &#; Wind Serpent seafoodplus.infoWind Serpent MetinSerpent Temple&#; &#; &#; pxTime Serpent MetinSerpent Temple&#; &#; &#;


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