java sql date timestamp example / Java Program to Convert Date to TimeStamp - GeeksforGeeks

java sql date timestamp example

java sql date timestamp example

Parameters: ts - the Timestamp value to compare with Returns: true if the given Timestamp object is equal to this Timestamp object; false otherwise equals public boolean equals Object ts Tests to see if this Timestamp object is equal to the given object. Parameters: instant - the instant to convert Returns: an Timestamp representing the same point on the time-line as the provided instant Throws: NullPointerException - if instant is null. By understanding their differences, you can select the appropriate class and utilize its functionalities effectively. How to Convert java. Date is its ability to hold the nanoseconds which Date is only able to hold until milliseconds only. Constructs a Timestamp object initialized with the given values. Method toInstant used to convert Timestamp object to an Instant.

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