code shop / Top Up Bareng Codashop Berlimpah Diamond - DOKUPROMO

Code Shop

code shop

Use of Services by persons under Coda will investigate all disputes that are filed with it and will make reasonable efforts to resolve them. In the event of termination, the provisions of the section on Indemnification and Liability shall survive. Digital content immediately consumed upon purchase. Rp 79K OFF. Hence, once you have made your purchase, it cannot be withdrawn or cancelled solely at will, and no refund or return can be offered for it. If there is any mistake or missing information, please contact us via the Help Center. Italiano: Leggere i Termini e condizioni in italiano qui. Pemberian cashback non-Coins dapat dibatalkan jika total cashback yang telah diterima oleh pengguna melebihi limit cashback bulanan sebesar Rp Any attempt by you to do so without our prior written approval shall be deemed null and void. As part of or separate from the dispute handling process, Coda may determine that a mistake has been made that affects you. Disclaimer: Pastikan kamu waspada dan mengecek kembali pihak ketiga yang menggunakan GoPay sebagai metode pembayaran, sebelum membeli item game dari mereka untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Dulu codashop masih bisa buat top up dan lancar aja tapi setelah update,, saat saya mau top up saya udah pilih jumlah diamond tapi kenapa metode pembayarannya gak bisa dipencet!!!


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