should i update to windows 11 now or wait / Hey, everyone: It's time to switch to Windows 11 | PCWorld

should i update to windows 11 now or wait

should i update to windows 11 now or wait

All of these subscriptions will work on both Windows 10 and Windows Then there were the exceptions, and the workarounds. With Windows 11, Microsoft shifted into productivity mode, and to this day Windows 11 still feels like the operating system for work, while Windows 10 still feels lively and fun. Display: Your device needs a high-definition p display that is at least nine inches diagonally or greater, with eight bits per color channel, in order to show the intended user interface of Windows. The things you can do vary — depending on your PC, you might only need a settings change, or you might have to jump through some hoops. Despite its remarkably stringent system requirements the new and improved Windows is, on the surface, very similar to Windows 10, and after testing it myself since launch I can tell you that it's completely usable. You might well upgrade only to find something breaks in the future when Windows 11 upgrades.

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