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Arthur Fortune

arthur fortune

Contoh Narrative Text tentang Fairy Tale dalam bahasa Inggris Story About Rapunzel Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a couple who longed for a child. He was a cruel and selfish ruler who cared only about his own desires and pleasures. Resolution B. Climax , yaitu puncak konflik yang menjadi sorotan utama dalam narrative text. In medieval England, there was a legendary hero named Robin Hood. T he revolution was sparked by events such as the Boston Tea Party and the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and it eventually led to the colonies winning their independence from Britain and forming the United States of America Contoh Narrative Text tentang Mitos dalam bahasa Inggris 1. Teks ini juga sering dijadikan sebagai cerita untuk melakukan story telling bahasa Inggris. Salah satu contoh terkenal dari jenis teks yang satu ini adalah True Friends. Snow White Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Snow White. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. In a small town, there was an old hospital that had been abandoned for many years. Persamaan narrative text dengan descriptive text adalah penyajiannya sama-sama melibatkan panca indera sehingga tampak seolah-olah pembaca mengalami sendiri peristiwa yang diceritakan dalam teks.


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